3 CCTs in One LED Panel -2.4G Wifi Wireless Colour Changing Lights
Nowadays, Energy efficiency , intellectualization, Multifunction will be the trend of times, many products including LED Lighting fixtures also will be updated according to people’s different requirements. Make our life more healthy, more convenient, more colourful. It is also our company new development direction, we have strong R&D team, will pay more attention to High Led Technology.
Now our multi-function have 2.4G Wifi controlled and colour changing lights, Sensor, Emergency, colour selection by slide switch, dimmable and others. Good feedback from our customers.

Panel light is one of our main product, have many excellent items. Such as UGR?19 100lm/w panel light, IP54 waterproof panel, framess panel, double-sided light Panel. Here we will introduce our 3 CCT in one led panel light, WW NW CW , whatever colour you want, you can choose easily.
Fist one: 2.4G Wifi wireless dimmable and colour changing, you can control lamp by RF dimmer, or remote controller, or your Mobile phone and Ipad according to App. Choose 3 colour in one lamp, give you a new feeling.
Second one : Wall switch dimmable and colour changing, it is easier to decide brighter or darker, warmer or colder.
Third one: Select WW NW CW by slide switch on driver, save more stock, don’t worry what colour your clients want.